
友情散文2024-04-29 10:47:082
1、其实有时候要想想,是真的爱的深,还是因为不甘心。 In fact, sometimes we have to think about whether we really love deeply or because we are unwilling. 2、有些梦,并不美好。 Some dreams are not beautiful. 3、最痛苦的事情,不是不知道如何选择,而是别无选择。 The most painful thing is not that you don't know how to choose, but that you have no choice. 4、最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。 It's better not to meet, so that we don't fall in love. 5、总有人爱到卑微,总有人爱到肆意妄为。 There will always be those who love lowliness, and those who love recklessness. 6、我一生犯了两个错:一个是看见你,第二个是爱上你。 I have made two mistakes in my life: one is to see you, the other is to love you. 7、我拒绝了所有人的青睐,只为等你一个不确定的未来。 I refused all people's favor, just waiting for you an uncertain future. 8、当善良的人撕下面具的时候,你连跪下的机会都没有。 When good people tear off their masks, you don't even have a chance to kneel down. 9、我们绕了这么一圈才遇到、我比谁都更明白尒的重要。 It took us such a circle to meet. I know more about the importance than anyone else. 10、有多少为什么没有答案,有多少承诺没有将来。 There is no answer to how much and why, and how much promise there is no future. 11、我容易哭,但我并不脆弱。我经常笑,但我并不幸福。 I cry easily, but I'm not vulnerable. I often laugh, but I'm not happy. 12、鼓起很大的勇气向你告白,换来的只是你的不理不睬。 Take great courage to tell you, in exchange for your indifference. 13、心灰意冷的我,已经麻木。 I am so frustrated that I am numb. 14、越是不能拥有越渴望拥有;越渴望拥有越是不能拥有。 The more you can't have, the more you want to have; the more you want to have, the more you can't have. 15、别以为你对于我很重要。其实,你对我来说可有可无。 Don't think you are important to me. In fact, you are nothing to me. 16、看不透的繁华,看不懂的寂寞,还有那颗看不到的心。 Can't see through the prosperity, can't understand the loneliness, and that can't see the heart. 17、祈求老天,给我一份信仰!让我懂得欢笑,或者悲伤。 Pray God, give me a faith! Let me know how to laugh, or sad. 18、再也不用熬着夜苦苦去想,明天该用什么话题打扰你。 Don't worry about what topic to disturb you tomorrow. 19、有些人不能爱,不能恨,而且还忘不掉。 Some people can't love, hate and forget. 20、说不出的话叫心事,留不住的人叫故事。 What can't be said is thought, and what can't be kept is story. 21、分手不过两个字,但却是扎在心里最疼的刺。 Breaking up is only two words, but it is the most painful stab in my heart. 22、我们终究错过,因为有些人在生命里就是用来错过的。 We miss it after all, because some people are used to miss it in their lives. 23、水凉了还可以喝,心凉了很难在热。 Water can be drunk when it's cold, but it's hard to be hot when it's cold. 24、孤独,是一场无人送药的重感冒。 Loneliness is a bad cold without medicine. 25、长大了,要做好每个人都会离开你的准备。 When you grow up, be prepared for everyone to leave you. 26、宣泄那些无处安放的情绪。向往天空的,都是寂寞的。 Let go of those feelings that are nowhere to be put. Yearning for the sky, are lonely. 27、也许一开始就错了方向,从此再也去不了想去的地方。 Maybe I got in the wrong direction at the beginning, and I can't go where I want to go. 28、如果不是自己逼自己,又怎么能看的到自己有多优秀。 If you don't force yourself, how can you see how good you are. 29、得到了再失去,总是比从来就没有得到更伤人。 It hurts more to get and lose than never to get. 30、我终于明白,所有的悲欢,只是我一个人的灰烬罢了。 I finally understand that all the joys and sorrows are just ashes of my own. 31、我把情书卖了,只有两块钱。唉,这段情感真够贱的。 I sold my love letter for only two yuan. Alas, this sentiment is really cheap. 32、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。 You're the one I can't guess at. I'm the one you can't think of. 33、只身步步海天涯、路无归、霜满颜。 Walking alone in the boundless sea, no road to return, full of frost. 34、有一种爱叫做放手,只不过是自我安慰的借口。 There is a kind of love called letting go, just an excuse for self comfort. 35、我们多像多骨诺牌、我倒向你的时候、你却倒向了她。 We are like Bono cards, when I fall to you, you fall to her. 36、我爱你爱到心都碎了,心都没了。 I love you so much that my heart is broken and my heart is gone. 37、生是移动人,死是移动魂,要我用联通死都不可能吗。 Life is a mobile person and death is a mobile soul. Is it impossible for me to use Unicom to die. 38、其实你可以简简单单的幸福,或许你我是握不住的沙。 In fact, you can be simply happy, maybe you and I can not hold the sand. 39、这个世界人潮拥挤,不会再有不期而遇。 The world is crowded with people and will never meet again. 40、假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。 If one day we are not together, we should also be together. 41、我不是不伤不痛不难过,我只是不笑不好都不说。 I'm not hurt or sad, I just don't laugh or say. 42、分手那么久,一场雨牵起无数回忆恍然醒悟你已走远。 Break up so long, a rain hold countless memories suddenly wake up you have gone far. 43、一切都会好起来的,即使不是在今天,总有一天会的。 Everything will be better, even if not today, one day it will. 44、有一种人,无论多么想念,却不曾想再见面。 There is a kind of people, no matter how much they miss, they never want to meet again. 45、一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了。 A person thinks that the unforgettable memories, others have already forgotten. 46、该给的我都给了我都舍得,除了让你知道我心如刀割。 I give all I have to give, except to let you know that my heart is like a knife. 47、你知道的,感情不能拖泥带水,免得累人累己。 You know, emotions can't be sloppy or tiring. 48、可不可以在我累的时候,二话不说给我一个拥抱。 Can you give me a hug when I'm tired. 49、如果可以请不要念念不忘,伤口好了,就要舍得离开。 If you can, please don't forget. If the wound is good, you should be willing to leave. 50、下辈子我要做你的一颗牙,至少,我难受,你也会疼。 I want to be your tooth in the next life. At least, I feel bad, and you will hurt. 51、我见过的所有美好事物,都发生在别人身上。 All the good things I've seen happen to others. 52、我知道你心里没有我,可是我却没有办法心里没有你。 I know you don't have me in your heart, but I can't help it. 53、我习惯了无所谓,却不是真的什么都不在乎。 I'm used to being indifferent, but I don't really care about anything. 54、我可以画一个圈,把自己关在里面,把回忆挡在外面。 I can draw a circle, close myself in, and block the memory out. 55、你总是一副不缺我的样子,你让我怎么在你身边停留。 You are always like me. How do you let me stay by your side. 56、在这天时地利的时刻,画下所有我们爱的轨迹的故事。 In this day's time, draw the story of all the tracks of our love. 57、时间会冲淡思念的酒,距离能拉开紧握的手。 Time will dilute the wine of missing, distance can open the hand of holding tightly. 58、只有自己才知道曾经深深爱过的人,根本无法去恨他。 Only oneself know once deeply loved person, cannot hate him at all. 59、沉默不是代表我懦弱,流泪是因为我曾经爱过。 Silence doesn't mean I'm cowardly, tears are because I've loved. 60、我不需要天长地久的承诺,我不需要海枯石烂的温柔。 I don't need the eternal promise, I don't need the tender. 61、我们不停的翻弄着回忆,却再也找不回那时的自己。 We kept rummaging through our memories, but we couldn't find ourselves back then. 62、我对你已经失望,我不再对你报有什么奢求了。 I have been disappointed in you. I don't want anything more from you. 63、你知道我,拿起来,放不下,所以请不要再忘记我了。 You know me, you can't put it down, so please don't forget me. 64、只有自己知道,心被撕碎了,再合起来的过程有多痛。 Only I know how painful it is to tear up my heart and close it again.




